The website for Michigan Technological University has frequently asked questions and an informative guide on how to prepare your thesis or dissertation. The website also provides document templates and formatting assistance in online class help
When preparing a thesis or publishable paper, students should work closely with their graduate advisory committee. Good planning will help students avoid last-minute issues, such as scheduling conflicts in take my online class
Additionally, students should coordinate the defense and presentation with committee members ahead of time, so they will not be forced to miss their finals. Also, submitting and defending your thesis or dissertation early will make it easier for committee members to plan around their own schedules through do my online class for me
Before scheduling a defense, students must first submit a scheduling request for the defense on MyMichiganTech. Once the schedule is set, students must prepare the dissertation or thesis for the defense. After the defense, students must distribute the document to the committee in take my online course
Within six business days, the Graduate School will provide feedback on the document's formatting. If the committee or graduate school requires any formatting corrections, students must make them as soon as possible in do my online course